

About us

Logsave.me is the initiative of a leading, former Big Four tax lawyer with more than 30 years of experience advising at the highest fiscal level who recognized a clear need in the market to be able to prove tax residency seamlessly and with full legal validity. Our founder realized the spectacular savings an app like Logsave.me could provide for its clients and set to work.

The first thing he did was to ask various clients to confirm what he already suspected: 9 out of 10 clients would happily pay for such a solution. Moreover, clients tended to see the solution more as an optimization, investment, or saving rather than a cost, given the low price of the application and considerable tax savings it generated.

So, in collaboration with the best software and security engineers, he began to explore the possibilities offered by the latest technology, until the perfect solution was found combining biometrics, blockchain, geolocation, timestamps, and other technologies, and Logsave.me was born!





Rambla de Catalunya, 72, 2º3º
08007, Barcelona

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