The versatility of is reflected in a wide variety of use cases ranging from private life to the professional sphere
For individual users
Demonstrating tax residency to inspections or courts, whether international, national, or regional
Accrediting events or physical presence at locations to comply with administrative or legal requirements
Accrediting residency for tax purposes (e.g. for property tax)
Accrediting days for income exemption purposes (in Spain, for example, this can save up to 60,000 euros in income tax)
Detailed control of activities and movements, with full privacy at all times
Accrediting places visited to determine the deductibility of expenses related to commercial or business activities
Demonstrating the will of parties at a specific moment whilst maintaining the privacy of the information
In the professional sphere
Corporate decision-making, such as signing the minutes of partner meetings securely, with 100% reliability, in different locations and by different people
Accrediting facts in administrative requirements
Efficient management of corporate documentation
Certifying the physical presence of employees at specific locations
Accrediting tax residency in case of inspection or before the courts
Accrediting residency for tax purposes (e.g. for property tax)
Accrediting days for purposes of income tax exemption up to 60,000 euros
Accrediting places visited to determine the deductibility of expenses related to commercial or business activities
Demonstrating the will of parties at specific moments whilst maintaining the privacy of the information
For companies:
Controlling the international mobility of employees
Accrediting tax residency in case of inspection or before the courts
Corporate decision-making, such as signing the minutes of partner meetings securely, with 100% reliability, in different locations and by different people
Accrediting places visited to determine the deductibility of expenses related to commercial or business activities